FREE Guide for busy Professionals

Identify Your “Good Mood Foods” With This FREE Printable Food & Mood Journal!

Start tracking your meals to learn:

  • Which foods make you feel clear, energized, and focused versus tired, stressed, & brain foggy

  • Your personal patterns around meal timing and its impact on your mood and energy levels

  • How certain foods affect your sleep and digestion

  • And MORE!

Where should we send your FREE journal?

What People Are Saying…


"CrossFit is something I can see myself doing for the long haul.
There are endless opportunities to improve and set goals, and I love seeing so many of us working towards the same thing. We may all be there for different reasons, but everyone’s great about cheering each other on and it feels more like we’re motivating each other instead of competing with each other."


"I was feeling tired, depressed, and had low energy. Now that I've been coming to CFB I feel full of energy, confident, strong.. I know I look a lot better, but I still want to get leaner.
Now I can walk into a room and not wish to be anyone but me.
Total life change in 14 months."


"CrossFit has given me my life back. I am no longer a victim of debilitating chronic pain! I have gained so much endurance in my injured arm, it has become so much more functional. CrossFit Bemidji has become a wonderful social outlet.
I have gained mentors and friends that I never knew I needed.
I have also gained more self-confidence and a healthier lifestyle."


"After completing each CrossFit workout, I feel so strong and capable of accomplishing whatever goals I set.
This definitely has given me a boost of confidence and self-esteem. Although the number on the scale hasn’t really changed, but my pre-pregnancy clothes fit better than before.. I can see more tone and definition in my arms and legs."

Meet Lynn Boyer

Owner of CrossFit Bemidji


I have a huge passion for health and wellness...mostly helping people get informed and motivated for the right reasons!

My own health and wellness issues began after I got married and slowly gained 60 pounds by emotional eating and not paying attention to my self care. I was a heavy smoker for many years along with eating junk food so I was always tired and felt like crap.

I was a little ashamed and I knew that I needed to make changes for myself, and also for my family because I wanted to be healthy and happy and lead by example.

So I slowly made changes by researching and connecting with people that led a lifestyle that interested me. It has taken me many years to get where I am now and I still have a lot of work to do.